
While a lot of my more robust development and DevOps work is held in internal company Git repositories, herein lies a number of personal and genericized projects that I have worked on over the years.

L3-37 Go Bot

Golang - Jenkins - Slack - Redis

A chat bot with the ability to remotely trigger a Jenkins job.

Backed by a Redis store and integrated with a Slack adapter.

Check it out
TLS Certificate Manager

Golang - Postgres - TLS

TLS certificate generator and management API that generates CA-signed TLS certificates for customers.

Users can perform most CRUD operations on resources, including activating and deactivating certificates.

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NFS - Docker - Kubernetes

Network File System server containerized and deployed with Kubernetes, which allows pods within a Kubernetes namespace to mount a persistent volume, cloud or local, to share files between pods.

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Golang GitHub App Boilerplate

Golang - GitHub API - AWS S3

Boilerplate for writing an API in Golang that can securely receive GitHub events from a configured GitHub application.

GitHub Apps are a way to integrate custom functionality with GitHub events triggers.

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Texas State Park Auto Reserve

Python - Selenium Webdriver

A Python application that automates Texas Park reservations using Selenium Webdriver to navigate through the Texas Park website.

I built this application when reservations for Lost Maples State Park were all taken and I wanted to automate checking for new openings when folks cancelled their reservations. And it worked!

Check it out

Python - Flask - Giphy API - Docker

Sharks is a simple Flask application that generates shark gifs on demand.

I use this app to demonstrate Python project setup, Flask templating, Docker containers, and storing secrets in environment variables to new Python students.

Check it out